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A R T I S T   S T A T E M E N T

"Despite all the many things Black folks have experienced throughout the centuries, we’ve still managed to keep our spirit alive and moving through time and space. This body of work serves as documentation of the existence of Black folks and its communities. We’re still here, still present, and carrying on practices, rituals, and movement of those that came before us. The effects of colonialism have caused a lot of these practices to be put into question of

it’s value as well as what should be accepted.  Not every gesture or space produced by the Black body is approved by the world, including folks who are in the Black community. Our choices in expressing ourselves. What and who we love. How we love. Commune. How we decide to shine when stepping out the house. What is our sense of prayer? Of conjure. Creating. Resisting. Breathing.


There’s debate on what is tradition and how we’re supposed to function and navigate through our existence. Regardless of what negative connotations are placed, these rituals remain generation after generation. It’s a spiritual thing. You can’t kill what’s embedded.


Spirit never dies, only transitions.

A T L A N T A   C L O S E D   F O R   S A F E T Y

"This is a compilation of work documented within the last few weeks of the effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on areas that are usually communed Black spaces. In result, these places only contain a memory and question for the future." 

Senior BFA  Photography Class taught by JILL FRANK

© 2020 by CHASE CROSS

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